Sign the Dublin declaration

Instructions for Signing the Dublin Declaration of Scientists

The Dublin Declaration was initiated by the same members of the Organizing Committee who also created the "International Summit on the Role of Meat in Society" on 19/20 October 2022 in Dublin. The initiators vouch for the following arrangements.

By signing the Dublin Declaration you publicly endorse its content.

The information which is collected from you for signing the declaration will not be used for any other purpose. The very only purpose is to sign the declaration.

The website for hosting this declaration is physically disconnected from the computer storing your personal information. Stealing or abusing your personal data from the website is therefore not possible.

If you wish to unsign the declaration and be removed from the signature list, you may do so at any time, by sending us an email.

The Declaration can be signed only by scientists with on-going research, teaching, publication or presentation activity, and who are in some way affiliated with either a university or a research-driven organisation.

For signing the declaration, please below provide evidence for your scientific credentials, for instance by giving us your ORCID-ID, or through your linkedin profile, or any other publicly accessible website which features you, or any other written proof you can provide, verifying your scientific activity.

We will receive signees from all scientific disciplines, not only those which are directly related to livestock.

We want to ensure that it is really you who signs the Declaration. Therefore we ask for a method of identity verification either by email confirmation or a simple document.

Only after a manual check of your credentials we will show your name on the signature list.

The signature list will comprise your full first name, your full last name, your country, plus optional: the institution at which you conduct your research

We ask for your cooperation in this procedure, even if it is a little bit cumbersome. We do this only for the purpose of having a verified and secure list of signees.

Thank you very much for your support and for your patience.

